Województwo Pomorskie – wyjątkowe sposoby spędzania czasu

Województwo Pomorskie – wyjątkowe sposoby spędzania czasu

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Województwo Pomorskie – wszystkie zajęcia w pobliżu

Nightlife Party Tour with Fun Locals
You will meet one of our Party Legends right in the center of Gdansk at the Neptune's Fountain. This is where the group meets. One of us will take you to one of the nearby cool vibrant bars where we will give you two vouchers which you can exchange for a cocktail or a beer. In this bar, we will get together for a few drinking games to have fun and bond with other travelers. After the first bar, we will take you around to 3 more venues popular among local where you will be able to receive a welcome shot in each of them and we will play some more drinking games with you and other participants. Get ready to visit spots in the coolest party areas around Gdansk Old Town. In the end, we will take you to a club where you will jump the queue like a real VIP, get another shot at the entrance for the start of a crazy night with us!
Sunset kayak tour around Gdansk
Let's do some kayaking together to discover amazing Gdansk by kayak! Amazing kayaking along the Motlawa River and Gdansk canals in the evening when the city is illuminated is unforgettable experience. We will meet in kayak center in Gdansk historical shipyard area, here: https://goo.gl/maps/oaVWrLvCUWWKQwpB7. We will start with short safety briefing. After that we can jump into kayaks and paddle to explore Gdansk by water! SOME OF HIGHLIGHTS WE WILL SEE BY KAYAK: Crane (Żuraw), Soldek Ship, Granary Island, Olowianka Island, Olowianka Footbridge, Radunia Canal, Motlawa River Embankment, The Polish Baltic Philharmonic, Gdansk Shipyard and Dead Vistula (total distance about 6 km)
Gdansk by kayak
Let's do some kayaking together to discover amazing Gdansk by kayak! Many tourists take ferry rides, but kayak tour allows you to explore the city most don’t see. We will meet in kayak center in Gdansk Dokowa 1 street (historical shipyard area). We will start with short safety briefing. After that we can jump into kayaks and paddle to explore Gdansk by water! We will paddle through the river Motlawa around two islands of Gdansk: Granary Island and Olowianka Island. Gdansk is quite uniquely located at the crossroads of sea and river routes, waterways of the Vistula river at the Baltic estuary, as well as the Radunia and Motlawa rivers. This had a significant impact on the city’s development. The daily living as shown in literature and drawings proves that water was the important element of the city’s life. It is important today to show Gdansk through its relation to water. Kayak tour gives a different perspective on the historical value of the Main City. Paddling through the canals allows freedom to see places ferries cannot access. I will show you a completely different Gdansk to the one you’ve seen on land. Paddling in the city is a must-do! Other things to note We start and finish tour at the same place. There is no bad weather for kayaking :) We are paddling even if it's rainy (we provide spray skirts to cover the cockpit), just don't forget to take rain jacket. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.
Get The Scoop-Ice Cream Guide to Gdańsk
We’ll meet at Neptune’s Fountain in the heart of old town Gdansk, walk to and sample three ice cream shops, then walk along the Motlawa River to the shipyards, the heart of the Solidarity movement that led to the fall of communism and Poland's first partially free elections in 1989. We’ll end at a food court area, where revitalization meets an old industrial feel! You can expect about 4km of walking on those days and can plan more of your trip from here -- from visiting the nearby European Solidarity Centre to viewing the murals in Zaspa. Summer tours last between 2.5 to 3 hours.
Catamaran Cruise in Gdansk
The Boat Baby Blue is located in Marine Gdańsk- Szafarnia 6- this is our meeting point. We gonna do short safety briefing and then jump on board. Catch the ride on beautiful Catamaran and see Gdansk from the water! This uniq experience you will remember for long as Gdansk has so much to offer. What makes it special is that most of the things you gonna see are very difficult to reach by land. Feel the breeze, play your music and relax on the water - that is the plan! Gdańsk from the water looks very special and gives you different perspective of visit <3.
5 craft cocktails tasting
We can adjust the time of your visit according to your preferences, just let us know when would you like to book with us! You will take part in a cocktail tasting, that you will remember for a long time. During the tasting you will have the opportunity to try several cocktails (approx. 80-100 ml portions) varied in terms of the taste and form. All our cocktails are 100 % natural and based on our own original recipes. In addition, our cocktail tasting can be enriched with foodpairing, so specially matched dishes that perfectly complement the taste of each cocktail (to be ordered on the spot - not included in the price).
Gdansk winter kayaking
Let's do some winter kayaking together to discover amazing Gdansk by kayak! Kayak tour allows you to explore the city most don’t see. We will meet in kayak center in Gdansk Dokowa 1 street (historical shipyard area). We will start with short safety briefing and wrapped up warm in one of our drysuits we can jump into kayaks and paddle to explore Gdansk by water! We will paddle through the river Motlawa around two islands of Gdansk: Granary Island and Olowianka Island. Gdansk is quite uniquely located at the crossroads of sea and river routes, waterways of the Vistula river at the Baltic estuary, as well as the Radunia and Motlawa rivers. This had a significant impact on the city’s development. The daily living as shown in literature and drawings proves that water was the important element of the city’s life. It is important today to show Gdansk through its relation to water. I will show you a completely different Gdansk to the one you’ve seen on land. There is also some hot choclate provided to warm your hands, throats and hearts :) Let us know if you are vegan or you can not drink milk for any other reason and the hot chocolate will be prepared on soy milk. We start and finish tour at the same place. There is no bad weather for kayaking :) We provide spray skirts to cover the cockpit and dry suits. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.
Discover unique speed sensation under sails
Wstęp do żeglarstwa rekreacyjnego lub regatowego na jachcie sportowym. Aerodynamika, hydrodynamika, regulacje żagli w zależności od warunków. Wstęp do strategii i taktyki regatowej. Do dyspozycji gości żagłowka regatowa zacumowana w marinie w Gdyni przy samym Skwerze Kościuszki. Długość 7,30m, wyporność 900 kg. Manewry w różnych konfiguracjach ożaglowania w zależności od siły wiatru. Maksymalna prędkość wiatru do 3 stopni w skali Beauforta ( możliwe są wyjątki). Możliwe zaplanowanie dłuższego rejsu według życzenia gości. Gospodarz chętnie podzieli się wiedzą wynikającą z kilkuletniej pracy jako kapitan dużego statku. Dostępność atrakcji zależy od stanu morza i siły wiatru. Godziny rejsu do uzgodnienia. Długość rejsu też można ustalić według indywidualnych życzeń.
Przeglądaj Gdańsk jako tajny agent
W tym doświadczeniu (dostępnym w języku ANGIELSKIM lub PO POLSKU) spotkasz mnie w wyznaczonym miejscu spotkania w samym centrum Gdańska i poznasz swoją „misję” jako ściśle tajnych agentów. Następnie otrzymasz zestaw materiałów i mapy, a następnie udasz się do wykonania szeregu zabawnych, trudnych zadań w różnych częściach Starego Miasta. Po drodze zobaczysz wszystkie najważniejsze atrakcje turystyczne w okolicy, ale musisz też mieć oczy otwarte na niektóre dodatkowe funkcje. Po około 90 minutach wrócisz do punktu początkowego, gdzie dowiesz się, czy pomyślnie ukończyłeś misję, czy nie! Inne ważne rzeczy To doświadczenie jest całkowicie na zewnątrz i jest w 100% przyjazne dla rodziny. Powinno to zająć około 90 minut, ale nie ma presji, aby zakończyć dokładnie w tym samym czasie. Obecnie jest dostępny w języku angielskim lub polskim.
Polish vodka tasting
We can adjust the time of your visit according to your preferences, just let us know when would you like to book with us! You will take part in a vodka tasting, which you will remember for a long time. During the tasting you will have the opportunity to try several types of polish vodka (20 ml portions) varied in terms of taste, origin and history. In addition, our tastings are enriched with foodpairing, so specially matched snacks that perfectly complement the taste of each vodka. The meetings we organize are fun, interactive, full of unique flavors and friendly atmosphere where the knowledge is carried in a very accessible and interesting way.
Zwiedzanie tajemniczej Ziemi Grudziądzkiej
Witajcie Wędrowcy! Znudził Was klimat wielkiego miasta? Betonowej pustyni bez chwili oddechu? Mogę Wam ten oddech zaproponować. Jakie więc czekają na Was atrakcje na Ziemi Grudziądzkiej? Na Wasze życzenie będę towarzyszył Wam w: - Przejażdżce zabytkowym helmutem w najmniejszym mieście z tramwajami w Polsce - Wspinaczce na Górę Zamkową i Wieżę Klimek tudzież Wieżę Kościelną z olśniewającym widokiem rozpościerającym się na Dolinę Wisły - Wizyta w epickich spichlerzach, jedynych takich w Polsce by poznać historię średniowiecznego biznesu zbożem i nawet ulepić pieczywo po średniowiecznemu - Penetrowanie zagadkowych tuneli i podziemnych kazamat mrocznej grudziądzkiej Cytadeli, niezdobytej nawet przez Napoleona - Obcowanie z nieokiełznaną naturą Pradoliny Wisły, wizyta w leśnych zaułkach Parku Krajobrazowego z możliwością dojrzenia danieli w Centrum Ekologicznym - (opcjonalnie impreza przebierana) Zwiedzanie Krzyżackiego Zamku w Radzyniu Chełmińskim z wieczorną ucztą i ogniskiem Jako, że Grudziądz jest wykluczony komunikacyjnie (to czyni go tak tajemniczym) zapraszam przyjechać pociągiem na stację Jabłonowo Pomorskie (30 km od Grudziądza) rano i tam Was odbiorę i przetransportuję, a po całodniowej wycieczce wieczorny rejs powrotny (2h20m do Warszawy / 2h do Poznania). Lekkość małego miasta z dala od wielkomiejskiego zgiełku to idealny przepis na weekend.
Odkryj Sopot w fajnej grze szpiegowskiej
W ramach tego doświadczenia spotkasz się ze mną w wyznaczonym miejscu spotkania na dworcu w Sopocie i dowiesz się o swojej „misji” jako najlepszych tajnych agentów. Dam ci wtedy twoje materiały i mapę, a wyruszysz, aby ukończyć szereg zabawnych i trudnych zadań w Sopocie. Podczas gry odwiedzisz wszystkie główne atrakcje turystyczne, ale musisz także zachować czujność, aby znaleźć dodatkowe funkcje. Po około 90 minutach spotkasz mnie w punkcie początkowym, w którym dowiesz się, czy udało ci się wypełnić misję, czy nie! Inne ważne rzeczy To doświadczenie jest całkowicie na zewnątrz i jest w 100% przyjazne dla rodziny. Powinno to zająć około 90 minut, ale nie ma presji, aby zakończyć dokładnie w tym samym czasie. Obecnie jest dostępny w języku angielskim lub polskim.
Polish cooking class pierogi and more
If you were looking for two things: inspiration and learnings this workshops is for you. During this 3-hour cooking class we will cook an entire polish meal from scratch: make dough and stuffing for pierogi (dumplings) and cook a typical Polish soup. The class takes place in a unique space: my appartement in centre of Gdansk. After my class you will know how to cook pierogi on your own. On top of that, you will meet other travellers and learn a lot about Polish culture and food. And you can be sure that you will taste authentic Polish food. We can choose from a wide range of fresh vegetables and fruits. The menu will depend on what is available at the market. First we are going to discuss your choice about pierogi’s menu, as well as other traditional dishes. I will tell you about Polish local products. We are going to cook together our main course: fresh pierogi with different fillings. We will prepare three kinds of pierogi. It will take about 2hs to cook all the dishes. After we are going to eat the lunch.
Photowalk around Old Town in Gdańsk
We'll start our photo session meeting at the High Gate (Brama Wyżynna), there you can tell me about your ideas or any inspirations for photo styles you're looking to achieve. You can also ask any questions and get whatever worry you might have out of the way. I will then take you through the street Długa of the Old Town, taking photos along the way. The session can take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half and can accommodate up to four guests. Within 2-3 days, you will receive 10 edited digital photos to show your friends and family a glimpse of your beautiful trip to Gdańsk. (all photos used above are my previous works!) (Note: Gdańsk weather can be quite sporadic and rainy so it may be best to keep an eye on the weather reports some days before your desired date.)
Rum tasting
We can adjust the time of your visit according to your preferences, just let us know when would you like to book with us! You will take part in a rum tasting, which you will remember for a long time. During the tasting you will have the opportunity to try several types of rum (20 ml portions), varied in terms of taste, origin and history. In addition, our tastings are enriched with foodpairing, so specially matched snacks that perfectly complement the taste of each rum. The meetings we organize are fun, interactive, full of unique flavors and friendly atmosphere where the knowledge you gain is accessible and amusing.